Friday, January 15, 2010

Las Vegas Slot Machines - Strategies and Operations

Although I'm a fan of Blackjack and very seldom play Poker but, Once with my friend I have had a visit of Las Vegas Slot Machines, I started playing at them as well. It was like late 2007 when me and my friend Jake Driscol went to a prominent Slot Machines Casino at Las Vegas.

Every thing was so amazing and was arranged like an awesome and sophisticated manner. At a very first glance at Slot Machines, it reminded me my early student life when I had a core craze in playing video games on some clubs. The arrangement seemed different but the style was looking almost similar. I had a snap there for you to review and I'm pretty much sure it will remind you your past as well if you have had been a video game player ever in your life.

So, did it remind you your early student life?.....

Well, then we started looking at the different buttons on the slot machines and some of the user interfaces, the screen and other knobs. A man standing by the Slot Machines Casino guided us about the functionality and operations of each button and knobs. I was quite surprised and was dumb for a while to see the quick playing hands of that guy at the machines. Perhaps it was the practice that he has over the play all over the day and that's why he was pretty confident on Slot Machines.

Then we were talking about some Slot Machines Strategies and the person gave us some comparison between Slot Machine Strategies and and Blackjack Strategies. I was on the decision that the Strategies have their own ways depending upon the brain and innovative ability of a Casino Player throughout the game.

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